
Dr. Rajeev Palvia Services

Piles, Fissure and Fistula Surgery

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are vascular structures in the anal canal. In their normal state, they are cushions that help with stool control. They become a disease when swollen or inflamed.

Fissure:- It can be treated with medicine, surgery or laser.

Fistula:-An infected tunnel between the skin and the anus


The area around the anus is itchy, red, and sore, Bright red blood is visible after a bowel movement..

Pain occurs during the passage of stools.

a strangulated hemorrhoid, in which the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut off, causing severe pain, infection or bleeding

excessive anal bleeding leading to anemia.

A hard, possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus.


LOSING BODY WEIGHT: It helps to reduce the incidence and severity of piles.

DIET: High Fiber diet to avoid constipation


SCLEROTHERAPY / BANDING / LASER : The hemorrhoid eventually shrivels up. This is effective for                                                   grade II and III hemorrhoids.

M.I.P.H: Minimally Invasive Procedure for Hemorrhoid or Painless Piles Surgery

OPEN HAEMORRHOIDECTOMY For large and complicated piles

Frequently Asked Question

Types of Piles or hemorrhoids are given below.

Grade I or First-degree hemorrhoids: These piles do not prolapse.

Grade II or Second-degree hemorrhoids: These piles prolapse on straining.

Grade III or Third-degree hemorrhoids: These piles prolapse on straining.

Grade IV or Fourth-degree hemorrhoids: These type of piles get permanently prolapsed.

Fistulas can cause a lot of discomfort, and if left untreated, may cause serious complications. Some fistulas can cause a bacteria infection, which may result in sepsis, a dangerous condition that can lead to low blood pressure, organ damage or even death. Luckily there are many treatments available for fistulas so that more serious complications don’t occur.

Add more fruits to your diet- Fruits are rich sources of fibers and antioxidants and should be taken on a daily basis. Include natural laxatives like papaya, oranges, grapefruit and cantaloupe and pears. Prefer whole fruits over the juices. Vegetables are also a good source of fiber.